Saturday, April 09, 2005

One week down...

Ah yes, I am relaxing at home with my signature scotch in hand, just taking the whole sitch in. This week was, on balance, a really great start to my (mis) adventures in Pleasant Valley.

Not much to say tonight, except it's THE WEEKEND, and supposed to be gorgeous. I intend to make good use of the weather and GET OUT THERE.

More hijinks will surely follow as my friend Diana makes a whirlwind tour into the valley - I have her booked for an eve of debauch tomorrow. She is one of my urban ambassadors, and I will surely enjoy catching up on all things Toronto, before devolving into all things alcoholic. No, I'm not that bad, really. ;)

But I did pick a good time for my self-imposed exile, since the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission for the uninitiated), will be walking out on Monday. I've never been happier to ride OC Transpo in my life.

C'est tout pour l'instant, car je dois finir mon scotch et aller au lit. Je dois me preparer pour mon weekend plein d'aventure!

(You see, this French thing is already starting to pay off!).

Oh, and of course there was the Pope's funeral today, which I watched on low volume so I could better focus on the gorgeous architecture and the sheer scale of the spectacle. It was an incredibly beautiful sight, no matter what your faith happens to be. Quite inspiring. This one will be a tough act to follow - I feel sorry for the next guy in line for the job.

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