Saturday, April 16, 2005

Disaster is the new "terra nullius"

I was casually scanning my favorite alternative newsite,, when I encountered this piece by Canadian activist-at-large Naomi Klein: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.

You know, there are some things that you read that make you feel cynical, righteously indignant and altogether right-mindedly liberal (as opposed to one of those "backwater redneck conservative types"). You know, it's the old 'pat-yourself-on-the-back' for being on the right team (aka small 'l' liberal), kind of truism. But this piece by Klein deeply disturbed me. Not only that, it made me VERY angry at run-amok capitalism, and the hypocritical and duplicitous shits that make profit off of misery in the name of 'aid'. It is sick.

Please read The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, think on it and pass it on. We all have to face up to the continuing story of globalization gone wrong if there is to be a hope for something better than this sad example of human greed trumping basic humanity.

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