Sunday, April 03, 2005

Hello, hello...

My good girlfriend Diana has been poking and prodding me to start a blog for a very long time now. I've just spent the last 2 weeks psychologically preparing for a move from my beloved adoptive home of Toronto (downtown, thank you very much), to my ACTUAL home of Ottawa (or, err, Nepean actually...), and now that I'm kind of settled I thought: "what the hell, I'll start a blog!"

So here it begins...

Having spent all of my usable energy setting up this thing, I've decided I'm going to go to sleep now and dream long and hard about what I really mean to do with this new and scary "my-life-as-an-open-book" technology.

Diana baby, I finally did it. Now we find out what I'll actually DO with it.

1 comment:

mollyblogger said...

Welcome to the blogiverse. Now you have to pick a pseudonym. Anonymity is a must. A) Because you don't want your boss (or current lover/boyfriend who you're blogging about) to stumble upon it whilst Googling your name and B) Because being anonymous allows you to get away with a lot more honesty. Honesty is what makes for a good blog.

So, with that in mind... Do whatever you want with the blog. Bitch, moan, rant, rave, brag, whine or rhyme. Whatever you do, just remember... be VERY selective about who has access. I've known too many people burned by their blog's honesty before. Publishing your innermost thoughts is fun... but, like all fun things, don't forget -- BE SAFE.
