Sunday, May 01, 2005

Health, health, health darling...

Finally, the damned flu-bug thing is gone! Maybe it's the collective force of May Day that has brought about my renewed vigor? Solidarity forever...and Happy May Day to all!

In restored health, I've spent the weekend being 'low-key productive,' but among other things MY TAXES ARE DONE! This may mark the first time I've actually filed on time! Okay, so fiscal year 2004 brings a paltry $32.64 tax refund to my bank balance, but it's certainly better than owing money!

As a means of diversion this afternoon, I listened to most of Rex Murphy's 'Cross Country Check-up' on CBC Radio 1, and must say the level of political conversation in this country is getting very interesting indeed. My informal averageing of 'real Canadians' commentary' leaves me with the distinct impression that most people in this country are actually above name-calling and other trash-politics shenanigans, and are downright disappointed with Stephen Harper's very personal approach to mud-slinging and general demonizing of the Liberal-NDP budget. "A deal with the devil"? Umm...maybe you should avoid overtly bringing up loaded Christian symbolism until after you're securely in power, Mr. H.

All that to say, my faith in democracy is slowly being restored...BUT, and this is a big 'but,' people aren't too impressed with whimpering minority governments that pander to everyone and everything with reckless abandon. So, the Libs need to act more like sane and sober statespeople, the CPCs (or Reform, Alliance, whatevers...) have to learn how to play with others, and the NDP - we're not too sure what they need to do, but it may or may not be what they're doing right now. At least we know where the Bloc stands, with two feet firmly planted in la belle province.

Looking to the south for a moment, check out this weekend's
column by Frank Rich in the NY Times, it would seem that 'Right is the new Left.' American politics never ceases to amaze...
(Note: If you aren't a subscriber to NY Times online you can also find this column

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