Sunday, May 01, 2005

"Uranus, planet of the unexpected"

I laughed out loud at my Globe and Mail weekend horoscope, mostly because I'm still prone to fits of giggles brought on by grade 6-level humour:

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23): Your first instinct is the one you should trust today, even if what it tells you does not seem to be logical. The sun in aspect to Uranus, planet of the unexpected, is encouraging you to let go of common sense thinking and do whatever takes your fancy, no matter how outrageous it might be. Common sense and logic are hugely overrated.

Okay, so if I'm reading between the lines correctly...


Anonymous said...

So...? When will you tell us how outrageous it got???

notsirjohn said...

Never kiss and tell...
