Wednesday, April 12, 2006

wednesday is the new friday...

Since I'm currently filling two positions in my office (ah the joys of being overqualified -- they keep giving you more work!), and have found myself increasingly worn-down by the never-ending bureaucratic paper-chase (multiplied by two!), I made the executive decision yesterday that I would take Thursday off, which when added to the four-day Easter long weekend, gives me a wonderful FIVE days of rest!

I won't lie, it's been a stressful few weeks, both on the work front (two jobs!), and on the personal front as I find myself increasingly on the defensive when faced with certain difficult situations. My horoscope told me there'd be days like this...but a five day weekend should provide at least temporary relief from the mania for a little space of time. It's now official: Wednesday is the new Friday.

To kick-off my expanded weekend, I'd like to offer up a touch of L. Cohen (his 'Book of Mercy' has been my meditative companion as I've navigated the recent rough waters...):

I heard my soul singing behind a leaf, plucked the leaf, but then I heard it singing behind a veil. I tore the veil, but then I heard it singing behind a wall. I broke the wall, and I heard my soul singing against me. I built up the wall, mended the curtain, but I could not put back the leaf. I held it in my hand and I heard my soul singing mightily against me. This is what it's lilke to study without a friend.

Couldn't have put it better myself...

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