To those who began to doubt I'd ever return, I'm happy to report that the paper-making/chasing/shredding/filing/etc. madness has, for a time, subsided. It was a rather dense few months in the proverbial forest of a thousand pulped, pressed and bureaucratically processed trees, but I have now divested myself of a large burden of dead-wood and can once more see the light filtering through the dense foliage as the workplace fog thins and lifts. How's that for carrying a metaphor WAY too far?
And now I find myself in Toronto for a few days of mixed work and pleasure to contemplate the bigger picture that has come back into focus. More bloggerly activity is promised in the coming weeks as the gift of time is given back to this tired little lumberjack (now with 100% more beard).
1 comment:
Sing along:
"For he's a jolly good feller,
For he's a jolly good feller,
For he's a jolly good feller,
Which nobody can deny!"
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