As it's been a holiday Monday, which equals "found time," I decided to do a little virtual housekeeping.
I fired up Firefox and opened my burgeoning "Bookmarks" folder -- there I rediscovered well over a hundred items that I'd once found noteworthy enough to tag for a revisit but of which maybe a dozen had since been called upon (and that's probably a generous estimate). Yes, I'm a child of my MTV/A.D.D. generation, and a great procrastinator to boot, which means that many thoroughly interesting and life-enriching, knowledge-building items were at one time briefly scanned before they were summarily filed for a planned revisit that never was... Until today.
I found some great stuff buried in my pile of bookmarks, but of these immaterial treasures, one of the finest was this link to some words written by American satirical novelist and political gadfly Kurt Vonnegut. I offer this as part of the Wry Offensive that may yet save us, the silly race of "power-drunk chimpanzees".
1 comment:
"We are here to help each other get through this thing." Simple words from the Vonneguts, father and son. Thanks for posting your find, dear friend. It made my day!
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