Monday, April 10, 2006

a point of contemplation for a monday evening...

Some insightful words written by Thomas Merton, from his collection of essays Contemplation in a World of Action (p. 109-110):

“…man has a responsibility to find himself where he is, namely in his own proper time and in his place, in the history to which he belongs and to which he must inevitably contribute either his responses or his evasions, either truth and act or slogan and gesture. Even his gestures of evasion and withdrawal may unfortunately be decisive contributions to a void in which history can take on a demonic orientation.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Insightful, yes, and astonishing words from a man who knew that living as a cloistered monk not only didn't prevent him from contributing to the thought and events of his own time and place, but, in fact, enabled him to do so.