"Jo Jo Melons" has a lot to answer for. This is nothing but unadulterated nightmare-fodder. And honestly, who in their right mind buys melons from a clown??
I stumbled across this and many other vintage melon labels while conducting some google-based research too ridiculous to explain...you can find the fruits of my labours by clicking here.
And, in the news today:
Boy's pancake breakfast delayed the end of WWII
This is 100% true, and truly random! And really, how often do you get the chance to write both "pancake breakfast" and World War II in a headline? Fabulous...
The above is from "jo-jo".
The latest "hot" food item in Toronto is the "square" watermelon, or rather a perfect cube because it's grown in a cubed-shaped glass container. It weighs five kilos and sells for $60. Got a name for THAT kind of melon??
Hmm..."square" watermelon you say? How about "Jo Jo's Box"?? :-P
Everyone's always harping on the clowns... Clowns have just as much right to sell melons as you or I.
Don't be a hater.
My darling Molly please understand when I say: Fear and loathing are not the same thing. Although I'll grant there is nothing wrong with clowns SELLING melons, I simply questioned the idea of BUYING from said clown. But I will now endeavour to do all things that are within my power to not be a "hater", even if that means buying melons from a clown... :)
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