Friday, March 30, 2007

the ever curious case of quebec...

I really don't know what to make of it all. A friend forwarded to me an excerpt from the Globe and Mail coverage, where a defeated PQ candidate mused that although the Quebecois are an "open minded" people (nation?), there are limits. Electing a homosexual premier being chief among them. What's that sound? Oh yes, the daggers sliding out of their sheaths...

Of course that these same people nearly elected a party into government with virtually no experience, zero concrete policies and a rather embarrassing streak of public intolerance among their ranks was arguably a stunning display of "open mindedness" on the part of Quebecois voters. Talk about leaping before you look...

And now the pundit class is frantically casting after federal election dates, drawing upon any number of pseudo-logical arguments for/against a spring/summer/fall/winter election. But nobody can quite say how Quebec will factor into this strange mix, which is perhaps why Canadian politics has suddenly become so interesting once again.

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