Monday, July 24, 2006

collective sigh...

It seems I never tire of neglecting this space only to sporadically return long enough to apologize for my absence. we go again. It's been a busy month, with the start of a new job, a trip to Toronto (sorry if I missed you, it was mostly business), and other personal miscellany. And then there are the more grave matters of world geo-political combustibles, another case of the border-skirmish blues (whites and reds optional), and off we go again, cameras in tow into the crucible of G-d (or God or Allah or whatever).

Cue 'collective sigh'.

I am not competent to weigh in on the specifics of this latest episode in the "never ending conflict," but on a purely human level it cannot do other than deeply trouble me, as I believe it does us all.

I'm not one to go in for organized religion (or any of its dogmatic accessories), but I will offer the only thing I can, a hope for hope in the form of a simple prayer for peace (unsure as I am how to pray in the 21st century).

I don't know what else to write for the time being, and maybe there is little more to say tonight. This is my small offering in place of big ideas. I'd like it to count for more than another exhalation in the collective sigh, because the last thing I want to do is resign myself to the world as it presently is. We are all much better than this.

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