My first weekend in Pleasant Valley: An inauspicious start to my adventures?

The above is the frontpage of last Saturday's edition of the Ottawa Citizen, which marked the start of my first weekend in town. I'm trying not to take it as some kind of portent or ill omen that my arrival in Ottawa marked the departure of the Pope from earth... I must keep reminding myself: "it isn't all about me."
A good friend forwarded to me a link to an article in response to the Pope's passing, written by "dissident theologian" Hans Küng. It's titled The Pope's Contradictions, and is a welcome antidote to the "rose-tinted glasses" pap being offered up by almost all of the mainstream media. I'm not a Catholic, in fact I'm not much of anything these days when it comes to religion, but any intelligent commentary on the state of the Catholic Church is worthwhile, especially considering that almost half the population of Canada identifies as Catholic -- so this stuff matters to us all. A must read.
In other news...Todd from Coronation Street isn't faring too well -- no surprises there. I cannot believe how hooked I've become on Corrie, a show I would have made old lady jokes about not even one year ago. I owe my irrational love of all things Corrie to my friend and former roommate Emelie, or more exactly to her mother Veronica with the Bell ExpressVu satellite that first beamed me onto the soggy street that stole my heart and has definitely killed at least a few previously respectable brain cells. And to correct an error in my last post, you can catch Coronation Street at 7pm on CBC if you find yourself in the EST belt. Ah well...
It gets late and I must now sleep so as to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for whatever Pleasant Valley has to offer up tomorrow.
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