Thursday, March 13, 2008

will this winter never end...

I would rather be back here right now...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

my pick for story of the day...

I'm not totally sure, but I think this is what democracy looks like. It's a short article and worth reading all the way through. I really do love Vermont...

Monday, March 03, 2008

talk about empty rhetoric...

The following is an entry I found on the Department of Canadian Heritage's website, a small article all about that most Canadian of ideals, "Peace, Order and Good Government," excerpted from the educational resource guide "Canadians and Their Government."

In light of today's top story, and the on-going dysfunction that has rendered our current Parliament utterly irrelevant to the business of governing Canada, I thought it was a good time to test the official rhetoric. I offer one particularly excellent excerpt from "Canadians and Their Government" :

Indeed, the phrase “peace, order and good government” has become meaningful to Canadians and defines Canadian values in a way that is comparable to “liberté, égalité, fraternité” in France or “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in the United States. It is a phrase that truly articulates the journey toward peaceful accommodation throughout Canada's evolution as a nation. This process, in itself, is reason enough to feel proud of Canada's accomplishments since before Confederation.

Today, Canada is a world leader in peacekeeping and conflict resolution and is a model for democracy.

The high sentiment in the above quotation is even more laughable in light of our Federal Finance Minister's current vendetta against the Province of Ontario, and specifically its Liberal Premier. "Conflict resolution" does not appear to be a Conservative strong point.

I'd hazard that "Pot Shots, Tax Cuts and Libel Suits," is a more appropriate official slogan for the present Conservative government.

And when politicians resort to lawyers you just know things will not end well...

he can dish it, but apparently he just can't take it...

This is unbelievable.